Time Management - Ugh!!!

Let’s talk time management for a moment, I have hated this idea forever because I have always felt like it was an unreachable goal. With a little effort it seems like we created some time we never knew we had!
I juggle a lot of activities non-stop and finding time to fit them all in and not run crazy has always been an issue for me.
The kids have always had some sort of sport and school, we all have church activities, and regular family time. As a musician there are gigs, booking the gigs, promoting the gigs, writing songs and rehearsing songs for the gigs - that list is endless. At some point you need sleep. I never, ever feel caught up... and the Mama's in the back say AMEN!

My husband Scott has always been the structure guy, me not so much. I have lived in the “semi-organized chaos” zone the majority of my life.
When we decided to homeschool I knew my chaos would have to find some discipline.
We sat down and laid out our goals for the weeks and how we wanted to see it work.
Schoolwork, jobs, rest and fun. We try to make sure we are ready to start the day at 7:30 ....even though I LOVE sleep. #sleepismyfavorite
Grumpy or not we have been there.
I don’t think I could ever be a 4am or 5am girl though I wish I could be. Props to you folks that can rock that morning darkness.
While we have made adjustments here and there overall we have done pretty well....I mean we are just a few weeks in at this point but I am optimistic!
It made a HUGE difference!

By creating a schedule and sticking to it it’s almost like we created time even though it was there all along. I mean I guess I have to admit the lame people that have it all together are totally right and not lame at all... ugghh!!
My creative self is not so familiar with this world of structure, but I’m not gonna lie it’s kind of glorious and giving me some time to actually BE creative which is what I have been lacking since my kids graduated from nap times.
What kind of personality do you have?! Structure or Chaos What are your tips and tricks to your time management??